How to Enrol
Thank you for considering Redoubt North Primary School as your preferred provider of quality schooling for your child’s Primary education. Please call into the office between 8am and 2:30pm any day to enrol your child.
Enrolment Zone
Redoubt North has had an enrolment zone in place since July 2008. This limits the children that can attend here by only allowing children living inside the enrolment zone to attend Redoubt North School.
Zone Description
Starting at the intersection of Te Irirangi Drive (all up to number 105) and Boundary Road: the boundary travels south east along the centre of Boundary Road (odd numbers only) to Aspiring Avenue. Othello Drive numbers 62-67 only are considered in zone. Continue east along the centre of Aspiring Avenue (odd numbers up to 31 and even numbers up to 24) to Hilltop Road. Follow the centre of Hilltop Road (odd numbers only) to meet Redoubt Road. Travel west along the centre of Redoubt Road (even numbers only below 156) then turn and travel north along Great South Road. Travel east along the northern boundary of 624 Great South Road to meet the Southern Motorway (this only includes numbers 630-724 on Gt South Road). Travel north along the motorway and then right onto Preston Road. At the roundabout turn south east onto Boundary Road and continue back to the starting point.
Please bring with you:
Proof of address ie the address for the child must be the address where the child is permanently living with either caregiver number one or two on our enrolment form and that address must be able to be proved by supplying us with a power/phone/land rates/water rates account or a tenancy agreement. If this is not possible you may be required to visit a Justice of the Peace to get a notorised letter stating where your child is living (in zone).
The child’s birth certificate or passport if not born in New Zealand.
Their immunisation record ( in their Well Child book, or else your GP will be able to print out a list of their immunisations).
If your child was born in NZ, but you, the parents were not, please also bring your own passport.
These items will be photocopied and returned to you at this time. Enclosed in the enrolment pack are the following items:
School Prospectus
Parent Support letter
ERO comments
Internet Authorisation
Uniform price list
Health Services form
Enrolment form
New Entrant children all receive a free starter pack with helpful information.
NB: Stationery lists will be issued on entry to the school.
To assist us in the placement of pupils, please complete the enrolment forms and accompanying documentation and return it to school as soon as possible.
We seek to provide the very best educational opportunities for all our pupils and look forward to working in a genuine partnership with parents.
Please contact us for personal attention on any further matter relating to the education of your child.